
Stuff I've Made


The creatively named Websynth is a browser based synthesiser. It works with MIDI controllers, and has various different synthesis methods, the most interesting being the bytebeat function generator, which can be used to write functions in either JavaScript, WebAssembly Text format or a miniature concatenative DSL which is a simplified syntax wrapper around the WasmVM semantics.

Rednoise, a tracker for the Redshift virtual console from Exapunks.

Rainbow Machine is a thing for making a Launchpad MKII flash pretty colours and show words on it.


Lately I've been trying to start keeping notes of what I do and how I do it. Coming soon, I guess.


I made a few Godot projects. This is my, where you can play Mad Rocket Fitba, my 2D Rocket League ripoff totally original concept, and A Game Without Camels, where you are a ball bouncing in a colourful place.


I have some on Spotify, Bandcamp, Soundcloud, Musicoin.


I have made various forks of Shiffman projects, go watch The Coding Train

Shaders! Here is my Shadertoy profile. I mostly use them to make music, the exact thing they are not designed for whatsoever.

I'm on Dwitter and Codier


I design/print 3D objects. My Thingiverse profile

I make guitar pedals and various Arduino projects, which at some point I will document as web pages, until then you'll just have to take my word for it.